Will the (23 Advices When You're Turn 23th) Affect me?
from website IDNTIMES which posted about 23 advices that we should remember when we turn 23th , I realize at this point I almost experience and did the 23 advices. 1. I realize that I will not alone till the rest of my life. when I graduated from college, my relationship with all my friends suddenly faded away. we're not hanging out together anymore, we're rarely messaging with each other. My friends have a new friends from work and I just don't have it. Because I do my legacy to run my family business. At that moment there are always be some other people who will accompany us. so, it's true that we will not alone till the rest of life. 2.You don't have to chasing your dream at this point. Again, it is true. I have a dream to start a new life abroad, start my new career away from home, being independent by my own in others country. But at this moment in 2018 I realize that my dream can wait. Even I already put that dream on my list that I should done on 2018,...