#13ReasonWhy by Netflix

a continue of Mikir Edisi Suicise/Afterwatch 13 Reason Why
this post is a response and a recommendation.

13 Reason Why is a fictional series about real world issues. It covers many issues including depression, sexual assault, and suicide. If you are struggling with this issues but want to watch this serial movie, I suggest you to visit 13reasonswhy.info and read the discussion guide because it will help you when you watched the movie.

As I told on a post before (link up stair), I have planning suicide too and I am struggle. But I am not only have a problem with suicide. I am also struggling for women harassment especially for a verbal and non verbal harassment. This series was hard for me to watched. But I realize one things that as I talked about it to people, everything gets easier and it is true. 

well, for the beginning it is not that easy. As I mention before (on link up stair), for the moment it was so hard, very hard, because parents sometimes did not accept that their children have a problem. But it is okay to be not okay and you should remember it. As I talked to people about my problem everything is get easier, especially for me to accepting myself and to remind myself that whatever happen after I talked about it, It is okay to be not okay. It leads me become a person who more confident and comfortable with myself . To become my truly self. But you have to talk it clearly like saying "I commit to suicide" or "I think about suicide", so people will aware about your condition.

I think the actors have done their best to make people aware about teenagers problem. And this show commit to shown us relevant issues about teenagers and probably young adults life. This show is a real campaign of depression support and their message is clear, to tell everyone in this world that "you are not alone". As I visited 13reasonswhy.info and watch more, I am feeling more comfortable to watch this series. And seriously guys this people, all cast of 13 Reason Why is really are good and nice person.


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