#13ReasonWhy by Netflix
a continue of Mikir Edisi Suicise/Afterwatch 13 Reason Why this post is a response and a recommendation. 13 Reason Why is a fictional series about real world issues. It covers many issues including depression, sexual assault, and suicide. If you are struggling with this issues but want to watch this serial movie, I suggest you to visit 13reasonswhy.info and read the discussion guide because it will help you when you watched the movie. As I told on a post before (link up stair), I have planning suicide too and I am struggle. But I am not only have a problem with suicide. I am also struggling for women harassment especially for a verbal and non verbal harassment. This series was hard for me to watched. But I realize one things that as I talked about it to people, everything gets easier and it is true. well, for the beginning it is not that easy. As I mention before (on link up stair), for the moment it was so hard, very hard, because parents so...